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Our Services

Public Training

Managing the Legal Aspects of Business

Operations & Employment

Issues during COVID-19

(Course Code: CM201015)

Date & Time:

Part A: 2020.10.15 (Thu) 9:30am - 12:30pm (3 hours)

Part B: 2020.10.20 (Tue) 9:30am - 12:30pm (3 hours)

Venue: Online training (with Zoom)

Language: Cantonese with English terminology

Fee: HKD2,300 / *HKD2,100

* Early Bird Discount: Settle payment on or before 15 Sept. 2020, or 3 delegates apply together.

** Special Discount offered when the same delegate applying “Managing Cybersecurity Threats during COVID-19” with HKD2,980 only.

Who Should Attend

All companies affected by COVID-19

Course Objective

Upon the completion of this course, delegates shall be able to avoid the legal pitfalls in dealing with business operations & employment issues. Work safe and work secure.

Course Outline

Part A: Important Legal principles in Business Operations during COVID-19

  1. What are legal obligations for employers to provide “Safe and healthy workplace” under COVID-19?

  2. Is it unlawful if employers do not provide face masks (or protective materials) to their employees at the workplace?

  3. Can the employers monitor the employees through GPS locations or video camera during WFH arrangements?

  4. Will employers be held liable if the employees infect COVID-19 virus during travelling to work and/or at office premises?

  5. What are the legal considerations in protecting information security, clients’ personal data, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights when dealing with Work-from-Home or a remote workforce?

  6. Regarding the leasing and services agreement, will the outbreak of COVID-19 constitute “Force Majeure” event which excuse the non-performance?

  7. Which party shall be responsible for business losses regarding non-performance of contractual obligations due to the COVID-19 outbreak? In case of disputes, what will be the most efficient way to resolve such disagreement?

  8. “Dos and Don’ts” for companies if threatened with litigation over business disruption?


Part B: Avoiding the Legal Pitfalls of Employment Issues during COVID-19

  1. If an employee got infected with COVID-19 at work, can the employee claim it as “Work-related Injury” under the Common Law and Employee Compensation Ordinance (Cap.282)?

  2. Employment Issues regarding Work From Home (WFH)

  3. If the employees claim work injury accidents when working from home, can the employee get compensation?

  4. If employers request the employees to take “Annual Leave” and/or “No-paid Leave” such that the employees do not agree, what actions can the employer take? Can the employer exercise its rights to lay off such employees?

  5. How should employers handle employees who refuse to return to work? What are the legal principles for sick-leave payment, leave of absence, reasonable accommodations under the Employment Ordinance (Cap. 57)?

  6. When the employee is requested by the government to be quarantined at other accommodation (not at home), how to calculate the salary if any?

  7. On ceasing business operation, if the wording of “Close Down of Business” is not being used, instead, it is just “Temporarily Suspension of Business” (without mentioning when will the business resume operation), can the employees get any compensation?

  8. Major considerations when designing and formulating the “No-paid Leave” policy

  9. Under “No-paid” Leave arrangements, will it be necessary to make changes to employment contracts? If so, what are the terms in the employment contract that both the employers and employees need to be aware of?


Participants who successfully complete this course and have 80% attendance will be issued an Electronic Certificate of Attendance


Prof. Albert So Adjunct Professor

University of London, University of Cambridge, Harvard University (J.F.Kennedy ), Oxford (Fintech); Adjunct Professor, Lecturer of CUHK (Faculty of Medicine), HKU (AML), HKEdU, CityU (Program Director), PolyU; Legal Columnist; Chairman of Hong Kong Mediation and Arbitration Centre; Chairman of Wealth Succession Planning Association; President, Law Society of One Belt One Road; Practising Solicitor, Court Prosecutor (Fiat); ICCHK, Executive Committee Member; Honorary Legal Adviser, The Life Underwriters Association of Hong Kong; Honorary Legal Adviser, The Society of Hospital Pharmacists of Hong Kong; Accredited Mediator, Accredited Family Mediator, Arbitrator; Certified Anti money laundering Specialist, Certified Financial crime Specialist, Member of the Chartered Fraud Examiner Institute; Honorary Advisor, of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Outstanding Student Association


Tel: 2153 9887



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