About Us
About CED School of Business

The CED School of Business, was founded in 2014, located in Room 510, 5/F., Wayson Commercial Building, 28 Connaught Road West, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong. Our objectives are to offer services to Hong Kong mature students to enable them to achieve recognised local and overseas professional and academic qualifications. These include professional accountancy, business and management qualifications and accredited university degree programmes from the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. CED School of Business also organises seminars, public and in-house training programmes for executives and managers in Hong Kong and China. CED School of Business commitment is to work in partnership with local and overseas professional institutions and universities to extend their portfolio of programmes which will contribute directly to the educational and professional development, advancement and upgrading of students, managers and executives in Hong Kong and China.
In addition to the objectives of encouraging educational and professional self-development and improving the prospects of participants in CED School of Business programmes, the School is committed to establishing through its affiliation with universities, institutions and professional bodies:
(i) the facilitation of international supporting exchange networks amongst academics and professionals.
(ii) the fostering of international awareness and cultural collaboration amongst students, academics and professionals.
The School also has affiliated offices in Beijing(北京), Guangzhou(廣州), Kunming(昆明), Shanghai(上海), Shenzhen(深圳) and Zhaoqing(肇慶) in the People's Republic of China.