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Fionz Chan,禮儀培訓師 attended the course Train the Virtual Trainer

金曹—香港知名期權策略師,CableTV 及 NowTV 財經節目主持人 attended the course Train the Virtual Trainer

Excellent inclusiveness from start to finish. High quality lecturer & staff to support & reach required outcomes.
Andy Lai attended the course When Big Data meets HR: Workforce Analysis

I suggest this course to everybody from the PR and Marketing sector.
Sindy Wong attended the course PR Crisis

Very professional presentation, documentation and useful practical exercises. The occasional bouts of laughter were also welcome.
Teddy Chu attended the course Mediation in Managing Labour Dispute

This was the first CED course I have attended. It was good – I found the negotiation techniques and exercises very useful.
Sunny Chan attended the course Story Telling

This is my first experience with CED Training. The course was very well organised and I will be recommending both this specific course and institute to my training advisors.
David Tai attended Occupational Health & Safety Legal Compliance & Employee' Compensation Strategies

Overall well done and interesting! The information on how to make use of big data for employee engagement was very useful.
Kitty Yu attended Applying Big Data on Recruitment & Employee Engagement

The practical experience and stories shared by the facilitator were highly insightful.
Amy Chow attended the course Story Telling

Both facilitators are extremely experienced. They have no reservation to share their knowledge and experiences.
Raymond Tsang attended the course Tree Risk Management

Thanks Dr Chan, you build up my strategic thinking muscle.
Kalvin Lo attended the course Building your Strategic Thinking Muscle

The trainer is the DigiTalent. He shared lots of his experiences with us.
Sandy Tsui attended the course Digital Marketing

My experience with CED was very pleasant and the facilities were accommodating. Their courses are very unique and highly practical and up to date. I like the site visit.
Jack Wong attended the course Tree Risk Management