Our Services
Public Training
Recharge Your Organization with
Intrapreneurship Skills
(Course Code: BM170306)
Date: 2017.03.06
Time: 9:30am - 5:30pm
Venue: CED School of Business (3/F., 210 Java Road, North Point, H.K.)
Language: Cantonese with English terminology
Fee: HK$2300 / *HK$2100
(Settle payment on or before 13 Feb 2016, or 3 delegates enrol together)
Today’s companies are suffering from diverse complexity of business and micro-control in operation. Managers tend to be keeping stable within a bureaucratic system. What’s wrong with them? Organisational Aging. The effect of freeing individuals from excessive control and allowing them to work on their own initiative can be seen as internal evolution process: intrapreneurship.
Intrapreneurship is now known as an essential management style that integrates risk-taking and innovation approaches, as well as the reward and motivational techniques. In effect, the intrapreneur focuses on innovation and creativity, and transforms an idea into a profitable venture, while operating within the organisational environment.
Division heads, team managers, newly promoted managers
Learning Outcomes:
To the end of the workshop, participants will be able to:
1. Understand the concept and skills of intrapreneurship
2. Identify your preference behaviour of work
3. Practice the intrapreneurship skills at workplace
Course Content
Missing Link of Your Competency: Learning Block
Work Based Learning In Action: Four Stages
Shumpeter’s Creative Destruction: The Entrepreneurship Process
The Organisational Aging
Intrapreneurship In Today’s Organisation
Characteristics of Intraprenenurs: Video Demonstration and Sharing
Self-Assessment of Leadership Style
The Four I of Intrapreneurship
Intrapreneurial Culture
Intrapreneurial Action Oriented
Intrapreneurial Thinking and Vision
Intrapreneurial Practice
Fighting The Organisational Immune System
Counteracting Morphine Effects
Counteracting Aging Syndrome
Discussion of Work Competency Assessment
Intrapreneurial Competencies: Real Case Sharing
Building The Intraprenuership In Your Organisation
Reflective Learning of Your Action Plan
Trainer: Dr Joe Leung
Doctoral Degree in Consultancy & Training, Middlesex University (UK)
MBA, Henley Management College (UK)
Msc in Computer-Based Information System, Sunderland University (UK)
Fellow Member & Chartered Marketer, The Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK)
Fellow Member, Institute of Public Accountants (Australia)
Fellow Member, Hong Kong Institute of Directors
Dr. Leung helps over 40 companies to identify the growth vision, remove the growth barriers, and drive the organisational and people change in order to adapt to the new Network economy. More than 9,200 directors, executives and managers have attended his workshops to accelerate their attitude change and lead them to the path of business growth and success. Dr Leung has gained the Middlesex University’s innovative doctoral degree by adopting the University’s Work-Based Learning approach (Learning by Doing and Doing by Learning) in the study of Chinese Culture “Learning Organization”. This practical learning approach inspires the participants to see differently, think differently, and act differently.
Delegates who have completed the course with at least 80% of attendance will be awarded the attendance certificate issued by CED School of Business.
Tel: 2153 9887
Email: training@ced.edu.hk
When you enrol in our course, you are expected to have read the terms and conditions shown in our website and agree with it.
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