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Public Training

CQI IRCA Certified ISO 45001:2018
OHSMS Auditor Migration Course
This course is supported by HKV (CQI IRCA Training Organization Approval No.0118 5621)
(Annex SL Module Course ID 17855, OHSMS specifics Module Course ID 1863)
Date and Time:
3 – 4 July 2018 (Tue-Wed)
9:00 am - 5:40 pm
Venue: CED School of Business, 3/F., 210 Java Road, North Point, Hong Kong
Language: Cantonese with English material
Fee: HKD4,000/*HKD3,600
(Early Bird Discount, settle payment on or before 12th June 2018)
The purpose of this training course is to provide additional knowledge, skills and formal qualification for OHSAS 18001:2007 auditing professionals a comprehensive and certified qualifications to migrate to the ISO 45001:2018 standard.
This training course is structured on a modular basis:
Module 1 – covering changes arising as a result of the adoption of Annex SL (one day)
Module 2 – covering changes arising as a result of amendments to the standard-specific content of ISO 45001:2018 (one day).
The advantage of this modular approach is that students will not be required to re-sit Module 1 (the Annex SL content) once this has been successfully completed. Instead, they need only complete the relevant standard-specific module (Module 2 of that particular Migration Course).
Capitalizing on the powerful Accelerated Learning Technique, the trainer spends a good portion of time on discussions, exercises and a case study to help students to consolidate knowledge and skills in auditing to the requirements of the new standard.
Students who passed the continuous assessment and the 30 min. open book test (per module) will be awarded a Certificate of Achievement accredited by IRCA. Based on CQI IRCA policy, all CQI IRCA Certificated OHSMS Auditors will be given three years to successfully complete a CQI and IRCA certified OHSMS Auditor Migration training course to retain their IRCA OHSMS Registration.
Course Objectives:
Upon completion, successful students will be able to:
Know and understand Annex SL as a framework for ISO management system;
Know and understand the requirements of ISO 45001:2018;
Be able to audit ISO 45001:2018 based OHSMS requirements effectively.
Target Audience:
CQI IRCA certified OHSMS Auditors (any grade); Holders of auditor training certificates;
Certification body auditor/lead auditor; ISO 45001 consultants;
Line/Support function personnel who are involved in auditing;
CQI IRCA recommends that students should possess an in-depth knowledge of OHSAS 18001.
Annex SL Module
General introduction; Annex SL and changes in the ISO 45001:2018 requirements
Document review and audit planning; Leadership
OHSMS Specifics Module
Top management, OHSMS system performance, Operation and outsourcing, Participation and consultation.
The Trainer:
IRCA certified course approved tutor
There is a balance between knowledge-based presentation, discussions, exercises and case studies. About two third of the time is spent on activity based learning. A mock examination paper will be discussed throughout the course to help students to be familiar with the style of the questions.
Tel: 2153 9887
Email: training@ced.edu.hk
When you enrol in our course, you are expected to have read the terms and conditions shown in our website and agree with it.
For details, please click here.